• Investor News

Notice of revision of consolidated performance forecast

November 6, 2019
Asahi Kasei Corp.

The consolidated performance forecast for fiscal 2019 (April 1, 2019 - March 31, 2020) announced on May 10, 2019, has been revised as shown below based on recent performance trends.

1. Revision of consolidated forecast

Net sales
(¥ million)
Operating income
(¥ million)
Ordinary income
(¥ million)
Net income attributable to owners of the parent
(¥ million)
Net income per share
Previous forecast 2,268,000 205,000 214,000 147,500 105.65
Revised forecast 2,221,000 193,000 199,500 143,000 102.90
Decrease (47,000) (12,000) (14,500) (4,500)
Percent change -2.1% -5.9% -6.8% -3.1%
cf. fiscal 2018 2,170,403 209,587 219,976 147,512 105.66

2. Reason for revision

Net sales, operating income, and ordinary income are expected to be lower than previously forecasted with major products among fibers, engineering plastics, and synthetic rubber impacted by an economic slowdown in China and by sluggish automotive-related markets, while lithium-ion battery separator shipment volumes were reconsidered. Net income attributable to owners of the parent is expected to be lower than previously forecasted as an effect of the decrease in ordinary income.

  • Note:This forecast is based on the best information available at this time, but actual outcomes may differ due to a variety of factors which cannot be foreseen.