R&D Strategy
The world is undergoing dramatic changes with the emergence of high growth markets such as India and China, heightening needs to address issues of resources and the environment, and major industrial transformations such as the development of electric vehicles. Simply expanding business along the conventional path is no longer sufficient.
To respond swiftly and flexibly in this changing world, the Asahi Kasei Group is advancing a transformation of our business portfolio. In accordance with our medium-term management plan, we are advancing R&D for further business expansion in fields that contribute to a carbon neutral sustainable world and active life in the new normal.
Development of new businesses
Depending on the degree of novelty and the market growth potential, R&D in the Asahi Kasei Group is divided into medium- to long-term corporate R&D to create new businesses that span across different fields and R&D to enhance established businesses. To leverage the diversity of our operating configuration, R&D programs are seamlessly coordinated within the Asahi Kasei Group, while external resources such as corporate venture capital (CVC) are proactively utilized in the creation of new businesses.
R&D expenditure
R&D expenses of the Asahi Kasei Group were ¥106.6 billion in fiscal 2023. A breakdown of expenses by field of business is shown below.
Annual R&D expenses
Breakdown of R&D expenses
Collaboration between industry, academia, and government
The Asahi Kasei Group works in collaboration with industry, academia, and government, advancing many joint R&D projects, and outsourcing technological developments to other companies, universities, and public research institutes both in Japan and around the world.