The Asahi Kasei Group's Environmental Contribution Products

What are Environmental Contribution Products?

The Asahi Kasei Group internally certifies products and services that contribute to improving the environment and reducing the environmental burdens along their overall lifecycle as Environmental Contribution Products.

Concept of certifying products as Environmental Contribution Products

Products are judged from raw materials, to production, transportation, use, and disposal.
Even if the environmental burden of Environmental Contribution Products on a particular aspect is heavy compared to standard products on the market and our existing products (baseline), it is still lower than the baseline on a total product basis. We are promoting such initiatives because the deployment of such products will help reduce the environmental burden on society.

  • Entire Product Lifecycle Raw materials Production Transportation Use Disposal Reduction of environmental impact

The guideline for Environmental Contribution Products is based on the "Guidelines for Calculating the Avoided CO2 emissions" issued by ILCAJ, the “Guidelines for Calculating the Contribution to CO2 Emission Reduction” issued by the Japan Chemical Industry Association, and the “Guidelines for Quantifying GHG emission reductions of goods or services through Global Value Chain” issued by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology’s LCA database IDEA and others are used to calculate the volume of GHG reduction contribution.

Targets and results

The Asahi Kasei Group aims to both contribute to the environment and achieve business growth, and has set two goals. The first one is to more than double the GHG reduction contribution from “Environmental Contribution Products” compared to fiscal 2020 by fiscal 2030. The second one is to increase the portion of sales of Environmental Contribution Products among our total sales (excluding Health Care sector). We are getting a quantitative understanding of our progress toward these goals and continuing relevant initiatives.

Contribution to reducing GHG emissions and increasing sales through Environmental Contribution Products

  • GHG Reduction Contribution of Environmental Contribution Products  GHG Reduction Contribution FY2020⇒FY2023 At least double *GHG Reduction Contribution is a proprietary calculation by Asahi Kasei from an LCA perspective based on outside expert opinion, Sales of Environmental Contribution Products as a proportion of net sales (Company-wide sales, excluding Health Care sector*) Increase of the ratio of sales of Environmental Contribution Products to total sales *Our Health Care sector is concerned with pursuing value from our “Care for People” perspective
FY2030 Target FY2023 Results
Volume of the GHG reduction contribution from Environmental Contribution Products At least double our GHG reduction contribution compared to fiscal 2020 1.40 times
(Reference value) Approximately 18 million tons*
Portion of sales of Environmental Contribution Products among total sales Increase of the ratio of sales of Environmental Contribution Products to total sales 29%
  • *Regarding reference values for the GHG reduction contribution
    The baseline setting and the approach for the contribution ratio in the calculation of individual products are considered appropriate for each product. For this reason, simple sums of the contributions of each product or inter-company comparisons are not always rational.

Internal Certification Process

Products proposed by strategic business units and core operating companies are internally certified as Environmental Contribution Products after external experts on the LCA Review Panel confirm the rationality of the environmental contribution from an LCA perspective. The inclusion of academic perspectives has promoted the improvement of the knowledge and skills of our human resources and has also led to a deeper understanding of the need to promote initiatives for Environmental Contribution Products with a medium- to long-term perspective.

  • Business unit LCA Promotion Committee Members Secretariat (Sustainability Strategy Planning Department) LCA Review Panel Management Council Report  Certification Advisor (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

LCA Review Panel (held on May 24, 2024)

Atsushi Inaba (Chief Director of Japan Life Cycle Assessment Facilitation Centre (LCAF))
Panel Members
Hiroyuki Uchida (Principal, Mizuho Research & Technologies, Ltd.)
Kensuke Kobayashi (Associate professor, Prefectural University of Hiroshima)
Keigo Matsuda (Professor, Nagoya University)
  • A meeting of the LCA Review Panel

At the LCA Review Panel, personnel in charge of each product explain the details of environmental contributions and receive comments and advice from outside experts on the suitability of the establishment of baselines and our approach to environmental contribution.

Description of Environmental Contribution Products

  • *Photo shows a wafer of ICs for TCXO

Key points of the contribution of Environmental Contribution Products

Environmental Contribution Products Key points of the environmental contribution
Ion-exchange membrane process for chlor-alkali electrolysis Low electricity consumption in electrolysis
Manufacturing process for acrylonitrile High yield (catalysts)
Dimethyl carbonate production process CO2 as a raw material
Polycarbonate production process CO2 as a raw material
Cyclohexanol production process High yield
Adipic acid production process High efficiency in N2O decomposition
Hipore™ and Celgard™ lithium-ion battery separators Essential for lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles
Elastomer for asphalt modification Improvement of road durability
S-SBR synthetic rubber for fuel-efficient tires Contribution to tires’ rolling performance
Dinamica™ artificial suede Improvement of rate of use of recycled PET and reduction of solvents (DMF)
Xyron™ modified PPE for electric vehicle battery modules Weight saving of battery cases in hybrid vehicles
Asaclean™ cleaning agent for resin molding machines Resource saving in the cleaning of molding machines
Duranol™ polycarbonatediol for soft-touch paint Reduction in solvent use (butyl acetate)
Low-viscosity grades of Duranate™ HDI-based polyisocyanate Reduction in solvent use for paint manufacturers
Xyron™ modified PPE for solar cell connectors Reduction in the number of modules required for high-voltage systems and the quantity of resin used
Microza™ membrane filtration module High durability of membrane (resource saving)
AWP™ photosensitive resin for printing plates High printing performance, productivity, no solvent required
UVC LED for water sterilization Power saving and no use of mercury
CO2 sensors Reduction of unnecessary ventilation
Current sensor for large air conditioners Energy conservation with inverter motors
Hall elements and Hall ICs for home air conditioners Energy conservation with inverter motors
IC for temperature-compensated crystal oscillators (TCXO)for communication base stations Reduction of used electricity due to absence of heater
Ecoloop™ OPS film Increased ratio of recycled material
Hebel Haus™ unit homes and Hebel Maison™ apartment buildings Durability for 60 to 100 years, energy conservation (ZEH etc.)
Neoma Foam™ insulation material Fewer resources required for equivalent insulation performance