Pollution Prevention and Resource Circulation
Building a circular economy is a major plank of the Asahi Kasei Group's Global Environmental Policy and “Circular Economy” is included in our materiality. We work to efficiently utilize resources and energy and to reduce the environmental burden throughout the entire life cycle in our business activities. In order to contribute to a circular economy, we have worked to reduce industrial waste, reduce the burden of chemical substances, prevent air and water pollution, and use resources effectively.
We are also contributing to the creation of a circular economy to achieve a carbon neutral and sustainable world as part of our focus on Care for Earth, under our Medium-term Management Plan for fiscal 2022–2024 focused on the theme "Be a Trailblazer."
- Sustainability Management > Asahi Kasei Group's Materiality > Materiality List
- Sustainability Vision - Asahi Kasei Group Vision > Sustainability with a View Toward 2050
Reduction of industrial waste and promotion of recycling
As well as working to reduce the amount of industrial waste through the 3Rs of reduce, reuse, and recycle, the Asahi Kasei Group is also working on renewables.
The amount of industrial waste generated by the Asahi Kasei Group (domestic and overseas) in fiscal 2023 was 514.0 thousand tons, of which 14.6 thousand tons was specially managed industrial waste. Additionally, the industrial waste recycling rate1 was 72.3%, and the non-recycling rate2 was 27.7% (of which the heat recovery non-recycling rate was 19.8%). So that we can continue to recycle in the future, we will keep on taking steps to separate waste and search for processing sites where waste can be recycled.
We are also working to limit waste plastic emission and promoting initiatives to increase the recycling rate. The volume of waste plastic emitted in fiscal 2023 in Japan was 20.4 thousand tons (a 4.4% reduction year on year) and the recycling rate was 46.9% (a 0.3% reduction from the previous fiscal year). We are advancing initiatives to increase intensity (reducing emission of unnecessary scraps) and to turn emitted plastic into valuables (such as raw materials) with a view to limiting emissions. With respect to recycling initiatives, we are subcontracting the disposal of waste to recyclers of waste plastic with material and chemical recycling capabilities. Going forward, we will continue our initiatives to limit waste plastic emissions and recycle.
The Asahi Kasei Group has been working toward the goal3 of reducing landfill waste plastic in Japan to zero. Because temporary construction waste could not be effectively used, the amount of waste plastic sent to landfill in fiscal 2023 was 2.3 tons, missing the target. We are continuing our initiatives toward zero landfill waste plastic.
Waste containing PCBs4 is stored under strict control in stainless steel vessels. Plans for disposal are advancing, including for waste with minimal amounts of PCBs. We are systematically identifying and replacing electrical equipment containing PCBs and proceeding with their disposal.
We enhanced our management of off-site treatment of industrial waste by expanding the use of electronic manifests. We also performed periodic on-site inspections of consigned firms to ensure that proper treatment is performed in accordance with sound systems of control.
- 1 Recycling rate:Percentage of chemical recycling and material recycling
- 2 Non-recycling rate:Percentage of heat recovery, weight reduction, and landfill disposal
- 3 Target of reaching zero landfill waste plastic:Excluding waste plastic generated by the housing business
- 4PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) are persistent and pose a risk to the living environment and human health. Their manufacture and use are essentially prohibited in Japan.
Reducing industrial waste from construction materials and housing businesses
Asahi Kasei Construction Materials recycles trimmings of Hebel™ autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) panels in its own plants and others, utilizing its certification for "wide-area recycling"1 which permits the transport of waste from different construction sites. Asahi Kasei Homes2 is also reducing the volume of waste as well as implementing sorted waste collection at housing construction sites. With these measures, waste for final disposal has been reduced to zero at new construction sites.
- 1 Certificate for wide-area recyclingFor certain parties, who perform recycling in a wide-area, Japan's Minister of the Environment eliminates the need to obtain separate waste transport permits for each local area. The system was established to promote further recycling of industrial waste.
- 2For more information on Asahi Kasei Homes’ “Initiatives toward a Circular Economy,”
Reducing emissions of chemical substances
The Asahi Kasei Group works to reduce the release of chemicals substances specified in the PRTR1 Law and other chemical substances which we have voluntarily designated for reduction with priority based on the degree of hazardousness and amount of release. As shown in the graphs below, releases of PRTR-specified substances and VOC2 emissions were reduced by 88% and 90%, respectively from fiscal 2000. We will continue to enhance control of operation and equipment to prevent any accidental release.
- 1PRTRPollutant release and transfer register. Under the PRTR Law, releases to the environment and off-site transfers of specific hazardous chemical substances must be monitored and recorded for each production facility and operating site. Results are reported to the government, which publishes aggregated results.
- 2VOCVolatile organic compound. Although the term generally applies to any organic compound which is in gaseous state at the time of release, regulations for the control of their release exclude methane and some fluorocarbons which do not form oxidants.
Initiatives to limit emissions of fluorocarbons
In accordance with the Act on Rational Use and Appropriate Management of Fluorocarbons, we are working to properly maintain equipment and facilities subject to the act and to take measures to prevent leakage of fluorocarbons.
The Asahi Kasei Group’s calculated amount* of leaked fluorocarbons in fiscal 2023 was 616.0 tons of CO2-equivalent.
In the future, we will continue to take measures to prevent leakage of fluorocarbons.
- *Calculated volume of fluorocarbon leakageVolume of fluorocarbon leakage calculated based on filling and recovery certificates, in case of fluorocarbon filling and recovery during equipment maintenance.
Preventing air pollution
The Asahi Kasei Group works to control emissions and prevent spills in order to avoid the pollution of air, water, soil, and groundwater. Measures to prevent noxious odors include the installation of exhaust gas absorption equipment and increasing the capacity of our wastewater treatment facilities. To prevent soil pollution, we perform tests and take appropriate measures in accordance with the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act and related regulations. Substances covered by the Air Pollution Control Act are managed within regulatory standards on a continuing basis.
Effective resource use
Asahi Kasei believes that the transition to a circular economy is important for sustainability in terms of sustainable use of limited resources, reduction of GHG emissions, and reduction of the impact of product disposal on the global environment and ecosystems. We are working to recycle used plastics, use biomass feedstock, extend the service life of our products, and improve their recyclability.
Initiative for Achieving a Circular Economy
BLUE Plastics(Blockchain Loop to Unlock the value of the circular Economy)
We have developed "BLUE Plastics," a platform to visualize resource circulation for recycled plastics. It is an open platform with the aim to realize a circular economy. It can be widely used by various companies and consumers involved in the recycling chain to visualize the recycling chain and change consumer behavior to promote resource recycling, since consumer behavior plays a major role.
Verification of chemical recycling of polystyrene resin
Polystyrene is used in items such as food containers, and is one of the widely used types of plastic. In 2023 our subsidiary PS Japan, a polystyrene manufacturer, started operating a chemical recycling verification facility to obtain styrene monomer from used polystyrene material. Recycled polystyrene can be used for products in contact with food which have strict safety requirements, contributing greatly to the promotion of recycling. The company plans to progress from trials at the verification facility to practical application to achieve waste reduction and effective resource use.
See the following for other examples of Asahi Kasei's efforts for the circular economy.
- Asahi Kasei launching demonstration trial on rental service for chlor-alkali electrolysis cells in Europe | Fiscal 2023 | News | Asahi Kasei Corp. (asahi-kasei.com)
- Asahi Kasei and Mitsui establish supply and procurement system for bio-methanol | Fiscal 2023 | News | Asahi Kasei Corp. (asahi-kasei.com)|
- Asahi Kasei and Microwave Chemical launch joint demonstration project for chemical recycling of polyamide 66 using microwave-based technology | Fiscal 2023 | News | Asahi Kasei Corp. (asahi-kasei.com)